Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Wow, it's been several months since I started this blog (and my 2nd and last post, hehe)!

I've been pretty busy at work, that's why I couldn't even post here.

I've not learned a new "thing" about Linux, but I have been slowly but steadily learning more on the existing apps/tools on my servers.

Soon, I will install Linux on one of my home computers, so I can learn faster.

During my hiatus of 7+ months I attempted to install MRTG on our office gateway, but I couldn't finish it, because my web server is BEHIND my gateway/firewall machine, and my users should be able to access their mail thru the internet. My firewall rules include ROUTING web requests from the external network to the internal web server.

I hope I can get more help on this soon, I want to see graphs of our bandwidth usage, they'd be kewl to show my boss. :-)

Oh, by the way, I also created a tripod-hosted weblog 'coz I lost the link to this one. That blog will contain all my accomplished tasks at the office, for my boss to see (that I am a good sys admin). Check it out : my Tripod weblog.